Friday 1 July 2016

Week 9 Reflection

Numeracy- WALT:To complete and show how much it costs to own a dog. This week for numeracy we have had to find out how much it is to own a dog. The dog that we chose was a french poodle. Here is my work. 
PrEP- This week and last week we had this thing called PrEP, It is when we make stuff and sell it for Kawa or what the name is. We started of doing our C Vs, then we had to apply for a job and venture, then we had to look at what job we got, then we have had to order the stuff we need, then we had to make a plan, then we had to make the product, then we had to make heaps of the product, then we had to sell. We managed to get some photos. Last week we had little market, on Thursday this week we had big market, here is a photo of me and all the things I bought. Just saying we sold heaps.Here is the link to our PrEP site.

Literacy - This week for literacy we have started to practice our speeches for class. We have started our and put all our ideas in to it here is my bubble us.

Topic - This week for topic we have had the high school come in and make games for us online. Sorry I do not have a photos of this event. It was fun and we had this game and I kept on hitting the walls and starting over and over again.

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