Friday 7 April 2017

Numeracy Reflection T1 W10

This week for numeracy we have been making our 2 digit  by 2 digit multiplication presentation. We made a screencastify to show our learning. At the beginning  I did not have the skills because I didn't know how to do it but now I am really good at it because I have learnt how to do it. I have learnt how to do this really fast. I think I should work on the presentation layout. Here is my video. 


  1. Kia Ora Megan great work on you 2 digit by 2 digit slide it is clear. it is great and there is detail on how to do it. it tells people how to figure it out and if they need to find out how to they can.

  2. Kia Ora Megan, I like how you have got your face in the corner of the screencastify so we could see your face. I think your screencastify was clear and I could hear you.
    Kai Pai (Good word)
    From Ruby

  3. Kia Ora Megan It's Ayesha here from M2 (your class). I like how you made your drawing big on the page in the slide. One improvement you could do is for step three you multiplied the tens by ones when you should multiply the ones by tens, and the for step four you multiply the tens by ones. How long did it take for you to finish this work?
    From Ayesha


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