Friday, 26 July 2019

Literacy W1 Term 3

 This week for literacy we have been working on arguments. We had to write about whether animals should be kept in zoos. Here is my argument.

Should Animals Be Kept In Zoos?

I strongly believe that animals should NOT be kept in zoos. Firstly, most zoos either mentally or physically abuse their animals. Secondly, zoos can NOT provide enough space for their animals. Thirdly, zoos usually don't help the animals at all.

Did you know that when an animal paces up and downs its cage/enclosure it means they are mentally unwell? Well it’s a true fact and it happens a lot. This can be because of abuse, being separated from family, starvation or being in pain. A polar bear in central park zoo was spotted swimming laps because it was so stressed and it was overheating. I don't know about you but I think that's pretty bad. Also most zoos physically abuse their animals to get them to do tricks, just for fun and because they misbehaved. I think that is is absolutely disgusting that people think it’s okay to do this to their animals because it’s not like the animals have a say in it.

It has been said that tigers and lions have around about 18,000 times less space in zoos than they would in the wild. That is saying zoos can not provide enough space for animals. Imagine being kept in a cage/enclosure, you’d be sad, lonely and depressed. That is exactly how the animals feel being locked up 24/7. They get bored really easy and it’s not like zoos have enough money to be buying them new stuff all the time. This can also cause the animals to grow mentally unwell.

Zoos usually don't help the hurt animals at all. One time a zoo had a goat with highly contagious ringworm and they didn’t treat the animal. This caused the other animals and people to get sick. Some animals will sit in a cage for months on end in pain because the zookeepers cant or wont help them. I think that this revolting. Zoos will often use animals for photos or put them on display and if the animal doesn’t work with them they will starve them. 

I personally don't want to go to zoos anymore knowing that some animals are in pain. So next time you go to a zoo think to yourself about all the animals that could be in pain there.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Megan! My name is Mia from Yaldhurst model School. I really like your post about animals being kept in zoos, I really liked the way that you added in facts to support you answers.

    This reminds me of when I did speeches, although, I did it on pretty like unimportant things like flushing toilets and stinky durians, but I hope to take on a serious topic this year (being a year 7).

    To improve your post I think that you should add in a picture or something to make it more eye catching.
    Why do you think that zoo's even exist?

    Awesome post!


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.