Thursday, 28 March 2019

Visiting author

Yesterday we had one of the authors of 'The Mines Afire' come in to talk about the book. Her name is Thelma Eakin. We got to ask her questions about the book and why she decided to write it. She told us that she wanted to write the book because not many people had written a book like it before. She brought in a safety lamp and a little brass man she had been gifted for doing a play. Here is a picture of Thelma.

1 comment:

  1. He Megan!
    MY Name is Maddie.
    I am a Year 7 from Yaldhurst Model School.

    WoW! I really hoped you enjoyed meeting the author and I hope the rest of you class did to! Did you ask any questions? if so what were they and what was her answer?

    I think that it is super cool that you blogged about this event at your school but maybee to give me a little more info about what happened and some of you favorite parts! I think that you had a good idea adding in a photo but maybe you could add in a few more, or a video?

    I really hope you keep up the good work.
    - Maddie


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.