Friday, 22 November 2019

Maori Feelings

This morning we have been looking at emotions in Maori. We had to ask a person how they feel by saying "Kei Te pēhea Koe" Then the other person had to respond in Maori. Here is my google drawing about it all. 

Our Play

This week for reading we have been making our own plays to preform to the class. Our group was a group of 5, I think we worked pretty well together. It was a easy task to get done. I really enjoyed this activity. Here is the beginning of our play.

Monday, 18 November 2019

participating and contributing

This week we have been looking at Participating and contributing. Here is my drawing

Friday, 15 November 2019


This term we have been learning about Japan. This week I made a little google drawing about Japan with a little bit of information about the country. I didn't have much time to do anything because I got into the class late. I still got a little bit of information down though. Here is the Google drawing I made.

Friday, 8 November 2019


This week in literacy we have been looking at limericks. A limerick is a 5 lined rhyming poem. The first and second line have to rhyme, then the third and fourth line have to rhyme. The final line has to rhyme with the first and second line. I found this activity pretty easy. I did find it a little bit difficult to make up my own poem though. Here is my google drawing about limericks.

Friday, 1 November 2019

Keeping Ourselves Safe

This Term we have been looking at Keeping Ourselves Safe (KOS). First we had to listen to a story and list what we could do in the scenario and how that would effect others. We did about 2 of those activities then yesterday we had Constable Terry come in and talk to us about the different types of abuse (Physical, Emotional, Family, Cyber, Sexual and Neglect). We watched a short video about a boy getting cyber bullied and we had to say what we would do in the situation. Then we got sticky notes with questions we had to answer on them. I think it was a pretty easy activity to do. Here is a screenshot of one of the activities we did. 

Tech Term 4

This term we started doing Tech again. We got to choose what class we wanted to be in. Kristian and I went into the metal room to work with recycled cans. We are planning on making a train out of cans and bottle tops. We got our sketch done to show to the teacher. I think we did a pretty good job planning out our design. Here's a picture of my reflections.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Numeracy Week 7 Term 3

This week I have been working on my workbook for numeracy. I found it quite easy after a bit of practise. There were a few questions that i found a bit tricky to work out but I got there in the end. Here is my work book for this week.

Friday, 30 August 2019


This week for languages we have been learning Italian. In the first lesson we had to find Italy on a world map and look for any interesting facts about Italy. The second lesson we learned some basic Italian phrases. We then made a google drawing with the phrases on it. Here is my Google drawing.

Friday, 26 July 2019

Literacy W1 Term 3

 This week for literacy we have been working on arguments. We had to write about whether animals should be kept in zoos. Here is my argument.

Should Animals Be Kept In Zoos?

I strongly believe that animals should NOT be kept in zoos. Firstly, most zoos either mentally or physically abuse their animals. Secondly, zoos can NOT provide enough space for their animals. Thirdly, zoos usually don't help the animals at all.

Did you know that when an animal paces up and downs its cage/enclosure it means they are mentally unwell? Well it’s a true fact and it happens a lot. This can be because of abuse, being separated from family, starvation or being in pain. A polar bear in central park zoo was spotted swimming laps because it was so stressed and it was overheating. I don't know about you but I think that's pretty bad. Also most zoos physically abuse their animals to get them to do tricks, just for fun and because they misbehaved. I think that is is absolutely disgusting that people think it’s okay to do this to their animals because it’s not like the animals have a say in it.

It has been said that tigers and lions have around about 18,000 times less space in zoos than they would in the wild. That is saying zoos can not provide enough space for animals. Imagine being kept in a cage/enclosure, you’d be sad, lonely and depressed. That is exactly how the animals feel being locked up 24/7. They get bored really easy and it’s not like zoos have enough money to be buying them new stuff all the time. This can also cause the animals to grow mentally unwell.

Zoos usually don't help the hurt animals at all. One time a zoo had a goat with highly contagious ringworm and they didn’t treat the animal. This caused the other animals and people to get sick. Some animals will sit in a cage for months on end in pain because the zookeepers cant or wont help them. I think that this revolting. Zoos will often use animals for photos or put them on display and if the animal doesn’t work with them they will starve them. 

I personally don't want to go to zoos anymore knowing that some animals are in pain. So next time you go to a zoo think to yourself about all the animals that could be in pain there.

Friday, 31 May 2019


The past three weeks in T1 we have been reading and writing myths. We had to base our myths on a natural phenomenon. I based mine on rock slides. Here is my writing.

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Numeracy Week 5

This week for numeracy we have been looking at TimeTables (with buses, trains ect) Miss Power gave us some questions to solve in our math books. At the beginning it was sort of hard to understand but now I find it really easy. Here is thw work I did in my book. 

Friday, 24 May 2019

Totara Camp 2019

This week T1 & T2 went on a camp in Hanmer Springs. We left on Monday 20th of May and returned on Wednesday 22nd of May. When we first got there my group had to do mountain biking.  We had to do biking for 2 hours and 30 mins. I really disliked mountain biking because it made me really tired. After mountain biking we drove down to the hot pools. We stayed in the hot pools for about 3 hours then we drove back to camp.

On the second day we got woken up at 7am (I really didnt like that) Kylie said "if looks could kill you would have killed us all" since I'm really grumpy in the mornings. After we had breakfast and stuff we did orientering. Lavinia, Miss Power, Kaleb W's mum and I were in a team. We got 320 point in total which I think is pretty good. After that our group did the cemetary and sculpture walk. I found the sculptures pretty amazing. When we got back to camp we got right into tree climbing. I got up to the top of the tall pine tree but I didnt go up the thicker tree as I was too tired. Later that night we went to the hot pools again.

On the final day we woke up at 7 again and we started to pack our bags to come back to Greymouth. Once we packed we got ready to walk up Conical Hill. It was pretty tiring going up the hill. When we got to the bottom we walked down the the lollie shop. Trent and I combined our money and spent $15. After the walk and lollie shop we went back to the camp site to have lunch. When we all finished lunch we got into our cars to come back to School.

I think the camp was really cool and is definitely my favourite camp. I'd recommend it if you're really into exercise. 

Friday, 3 May 2019

Numeracy W1 Term2

This week for numeracy we have been working on area and perimeter. Area is the space inside of a shape. The perimeter is the distance around outside of a shape. At first it was a bit confusing but now I have a really good understanding of this. Miss Power gave us some problems to figure out. We had to find the area and perimeter of the shapes. Here's a picture of the work I did in my maths book.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Goals For Term 2

For this term I am going to set goals in which I would like to complete by the end of the term. One of my goals is to focus more in class and pay more attention so I can get more work done. Another thing I would like to achieve is to post more each week because I haven't been posting that often. My last goal is to get better at reading and start doing it for often.

Friday, 5 April 2019

Numeracy Week 10

This week for numeracy we have been working on finding 10% of a number. I made a DLO to show my learning. Here is my slide.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Diary Entry

This week for reading we have been working on our diary entries. We had to write a little diary entry about what happened on the day of the explosion or a few days after. I chose to write from a daughters prospective. Here is my writing.

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Visiting author

Yesterday we had one of the authors of 'The Mines Afire' come in to talk about the book. Her name is Thelma Eakin. We got to ask her questions about the book and why she decided to write it. She told us that she wanted to write the book because not many people had written a book like it before. She brought in a safety lamp and a little brass man she had been gifted for doing a play. Here is a picture of Thelma.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Brunner Mine Site

On Monday this week our class went out to the Brunner Mine. In class we have been reading a book about what happened when the explosion happened called 'The Mines Afire'. So we decided to go out to the mine to have a look at all of the ruins and historical things that are there. While we were there we did a photo shoot in older clothes. We also got put into groups and had to do a mime. The other groups had to guess what part of the book we were acting out. Here is a picture of the book.

Friday, 22 March 2019

Numeracy Week 8

This week for numeracy we have been working on averages. We had a group of numbers and we had to put them in order (smallest to largest number) Then we had to find the Mode, Range, Median and mean. For example if I had a group of numbers 3,9,6,4,6. First you have to put them in order so it now becomes 3,4,6,6,9.
To find the mode you have to find the most popular number. With those numbers 6 is the most popular number.  To find the range you have to look at the difference between the smallest and biggest number (3&9) So the difference is 6. The median is the middle number which is also 6.  To find the mean you have to add all the numbers and divide your answer by how many numbers there are so 3,4,6,6,9 28 divided by 5. comment below what you get. (it contains decimals). Here is some of my work.

Colour day 2019

Today at our school we are having a colour day to raise money for the families that were affected on Friday of last week. We were asked to wear bright clothes and avoid the colour red. Since I don't own any bright clothes I chose to wear a shirt with a small rainbow on it. Here is some information about today.

Friday, 15 March 2019

Numeracy Week7

This week for numeracy we have been working on algebraic problems. We had to find out what the shape/letter was in the equation. If the number is right next to the shape/letter it means you have to times it. Kristian and I finished the algebraic  questions so we moved on to finding a rule of a pattern. At first I found both tasks a bit difficult but now I find it rather easy. Here are some photos of my work.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Music Week7

This week for music we had to make a presentation about our favourite song. We had to explain why it was our favourite. Here is my slide

Friday, 8 March 2019


This week for numeracy we have been working on adding and subtracting fractions. Here is my presentation 

Friday, 1 March 2019

Week 5 Science

This week for science we were looking at density. So we put an egg into a cup and filled it up with water. At first it sunk but when we added salt to the water it begun to float. The more salt we added the more it would float. When we add the salt the water becomes more dense causing the egg to float. I think it was a pretty cool experiment.

Friday, 22 February 2019


This week in numeracy we have been learning about shapes and we had to find out the definition of a rhombus, quadrilateral and trapezium. I have made a drawing to show my understanding