Welcome to my blog, I'm a learner at Greymouth High School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Friday, 16 December 2016
End of Year Reflection
Well I guess this id the end of the year again. Next year I will Be in Mamaku 2. Thank you to all the people that have supported me this year. I hope it is the same next year. Thank you to all the people that have commented on my blog this year. I am so proud f my self this year. I have made myself a better person. Here is my best piece of work from this year goodbye till next year.
Friday, 2 December 2016
Literacy Reflection T4 W8
This week for literacy we did a naughty or nice piece of writing. We had to persuade the person tho put us on the nice list. I thought it was really fun. Next time I could write more here is a bit of what I have done.
Numeracy Reflection T4 W8
This week for numeracy we went on studdy ladder. I had to make to make shapes out of shapes. Next time I could take more time and get all of them right. I did this last time I did this I got a few right this time I got 8 right. Here is my studdy ladder work.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Literacy Reflection T4 W7
This week for literacy we had to make a new 12 days of Christmas song with kiwi lyrics. I found this task a bit challenging to make it into a Christmas tree. So my tree looks like a house. I have also finished another book for my 30bc. Here is my work.
Friday, 4 November 2016
Writing Reflection T4 W4
This week for writing we had to make a mythical creature. I made a Hobaloba it is a dragon. My next step is to put in more detail. I learnt how to draw a dragon as well.
Numeracy Reflection T4 W4
This Week for numeracy we did our problem solving and I chose to do the one about the movie theater. My next step is to spend more time doing the work than working on the lay out. Here is my work.
Word work Reflection T4 W4
This week for word work I did an acrostic poem with one of my spelling words. I learnt how to come up with interesting words for my poems. My next step is to make longer sentences for my poem. Here is my work for W4 word work.
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Reading Reflection T4 W4
This week for reading we had to write about a article and find the authors purpose and write a paragraph about it. I found this easy but I could improve the colors. I did mine about a dog dancing in the rain. Here it is.
Friday, 28 October 2016
Topic Reflection T4 W3
This week for topic we have been working on a water safety activity. I need to improve the pictures. I found this task a little bit easy. Here is my work.
Reading Reflection W3 T4
This week for reading we did an activity where we have to guess what the authors purpose is to write. My next step is to put in more detail. Here is my work.
Numeracy Reflection T4 W3
This week Jessie and me continued with our position and orientation presentation. We did the shapes activity. It was a bit challenging but we could improve on the colors. Here is our work.
Friday, 21 October 2016
Writing reflection T4 W1
This week for writing we were fixing up our expiation about a special place for my family.
There was nothing I needed to fix up. I found this challenging. Here it is.
There was nothing I needed to fix up. I found this challenging. Here it is.
Word work Reflection T4 W1
This week for word work we had to do silly sentences. My next step is to do some more sentences. It was really fun to do them because I got to be creative. Here they are.
Numeracy reflection W2 T4
This week for numeracy we have been working on our position and orientation. My buddy is Jessie and we have one more activity to do then we are done. I found this easy but we should work on the lay out. here is one of the activities I have done.
Thursday, 20 October 2016
Fortunately the milk.
Author: Neil Gaiman
Illustrator: Chris Riddell
Genre: Adventure/comedy
Dad there is no milk. Will I ever get back home to my kids, I mean I just went to a store, now I'm in a hot air balloon with a dinosaur. "I think we found the Green shiny rock (Emerald)" BUT ITS IN A VOLCANO GODS EYE. The milk it landed on top of splods head. SPLOD IS MAD. Will I get home or will the milk get lost...
I rate this book 4 out of 5 stars. I recommend this book for people with a good sense of humor. This book made me feel happy and surprised.
Illustrator: Chris Riddell
Genre: Adventure/comedy
Dad there is no milk. Will I ever get back home to my kids, I mean I just went to a store, now I'm in a hot air balloon with a dinosaur. "I think we found the Green shiny rock (Emerald)" BUT ITS IN A VOLCANO GODS EYE. The milk it landed on top of splods head. SPLOD IS MAD. Will I get home or will the milk get lost...
I rate this book 4 out of 5 stars. I recommend this book for people with a good sense of humor. This book made me feel happy and surprised.
Friday, 14 October 2016
Little Gardens!!!
Last term Mamaku planted some little gardens. They have started to sprout over the holidays. They give me real bad allergies because I have hay-fever. Here is our little gardens!
Numeracy Reflection T4 W1
This week for numeracy we have been doing Geometry. We did this in pairs I worked with Jessie. We did the kitchen floor one and it was really hard but we did it. We had to design a floor and it had to be the same both sides. My next step is to make it more unique. Here is one of my pieces work.
Writing Reflection T4 W1
This week for writing we had to write a explanation. I wrote mine about why we have viruses. It included a thing about RNA and my teacher did not know what RNA was. My next step is to make it more detailed. Here is my work. Why are there Viruses
Word work Reflection T4 W1
This week for word work I chose to do backwards words. So we had to spell our words backwards we have like 15 words we had to do 10 of them. I found this easy but I could improve the lay out. My next step is to improve my lay out. Here is my work.
Friday, 16 September 2016
Numeracy Reflection T3 W8
This week for numeracy we have been working on area and perimeter problems. We are in groups of 5 and we had different people from different math groups. I think we all did a good job of working together. My next step is to work it out in a different way. Here is our work.
Topic Reflection T3 W8
This week for topic we had to chose a place from around the world. Then we had to make a drawing about the place you choose. We had to have 5 pictures, 2 videos and at lest 10 facts. I found it easy but I could improve it. Here is my work.
Literacy Reflection T3 W8
This week for literacy we had to make a word cloud about a book. I chose to do the BFG by Roald Dahl. I found it challenging but I did it. My next step is to get more word on to my word cloud. I hope we do this again because it was fun. Here is my world cloud.
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Visual Mihi T3 W7
This week I have recorded my Mihi. We had to add n our mountain and river. My next step is to pronounce it right and speed up a bit more. I loved doing this because it is learning a new language. It was easier for me because I did this at my old school. Here is my Mihi. There is only the link because it would not up-lode to my blog
News Broadcast T3 W7
This week we have recorded our News Broadcast. We did it based on the Olympics and my group was me, Kristian and Trent. It was fun when we recorded. We had to try and make eye contact and speak clearly. We called the News Broadcast Rio Newz. Here is Rio Newz at 5 pm.
Friday, 2 September 2016
Esio Trot
Author: Roald Dahl
Illustrator: Quentin Blake
Genre: Romance
In a small apartment above Mrs Silver's house lives a quiet peaceful man named Mr Hoppy. He has always had a huge crush on Mrs Silver, but She gives all her love to her pet tortoise. Mr Hoppy's plan was to take her little tortoise, but by time he had done that he seen it was wrong and goes and byes millions of tortoises just to impress Mrs Silver. When Mrs Silver saw what he had done to impress her she realized what a wonderful and charming man he is. Then came the big wedding. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars. This book makes me fell happy.
Illustrator: Quentin Blake
Genre: Romance
In a small apartment above Mrs Silver's house lives a quiet peaceful man named Mr Hoppy. He has always had a huge crush on Mrs Silver, but She gives all her love to her pet tortoise. Mr Hoppy's plan was to take her little tortoise, but by time he had done that he seen it was wrong and goes and byes millions of tortoises just to impress Mrs Silver. When Mrs Silver saw what he had done to impress her she realized what a wonderful and charming man he is. Then came the big wedding. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars. This book makes me fell happy.
Numeracy Reflection T3 W6
This week for numeracy we had to pick a math problem then figure out the answer. It was real hard to do because the questions were so long. I did a real hard one to challenge myself. My next step is to give more detail about how I worked it out. We used a google drawing to make this.
Topic Reflection T3 W6
This week for topic we are looking at how to be a explorer. We had to list the things an explorer might do and find. I found this easy and fun to do because I was working with my friends. My next step is to get better answers.
Literacy Reflection T3 W6
This week for literacy we have done writing and reading. For reading I had to read a book called Wild Life. Then we had to describe the setting, plot, characters, problem, resolution and genre. I found this a little bit hard because I had heaps of other follow ups to do by Friday. My next step is to get more done.
For writing we had to write a introduction to our house hold machine. We had to pick a thing in our house then write a introduction about it. I found this hard to do because I had trouble trying to pick a thing to write about. My next step is to add more detail.

For writing we had to write a introduction to our house hold machine. We had to pick a thing in our house then write a introduction about it. I found this hard to do because I had trouble trying to pick a thing to write about. My next step is to add more detail.
A toaster is a machine that heat up some foods. Most people use the toaster for breakfast to make toast. Which is bread that is kind of cooked.
A toaster looks like a big square with two thick cuts in it. They can come in all shapes, colors and sizes. Some are red some are white. The lever on it is like a big oval. There are four buttons on the top which control how it cooks like if it is a crumpet it will cook in differently to how it cooks bread. There is a little twisty dial that controls how long the bread stays in the toaster. There is a button you can use to pop you're toast up.
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Reflection Term 3, Week 3- Numeracy
This week for numeracy we have learnt how to solve word problems. I learnt that the word problem is quizzing you on what you have learnt so far about fractions. I learnt about the numerator and the denominator. N for North and D for down that is how I remember. Because the Numerator is top and the denominator is Bottom. Here is my work I have been doing.
This week for numeracy we have learnt how to solve word problems. I learnt that the word problem is quizzing you on what you have learnt so far about fractions. I learnt about the numerator and the denominator. N for North and D for down that is how I remember. Because the Numerator is top and the denominator is Bottom. Here is my work I have been doing.
Friday, 26 August 2016
Literacy Reflection T3 W5
This week for literacy I have been working on FANBOYS which is something to do with writing. I found this easy to do. My next step is to get more done. It was real fun to learn something new. I would love to learn more about this
Topic Reflection T3 W5
This week for topic we have done our last Olympic task. We studied a sport and told the reader why we wanted to do this sport. I found this easy to do. My next step is to put more info on my post.
Numeracy Reflection W5 T3
This week for numeracy I have been working on a google drawing about learning how many numbers are 1000. I found this hard at fist but now it is easy. My next step is to understand more ways to figure out the question.
Friday, 19 August 2016
Author: Roald Dahl
Illustrator: Quentin Blake
Genera: Adventure
In this book it is about a little girl Named Matilda. She is a polite little girl. Her parents on the other hand are nasty old bats. They think Matilda has no skills and no respect, even though that is the opposite. One day while her Mother is at Bingo and her father is at work, she decides to go down to the village library where she meets the librarian. Her first day of school was amazing she meets Miss Honey. Matilda thinks if a calculator can work out the equation then why cant my brain do it as well. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars * * * * *
Illustrator: Quentin Blake
Genera: Adventure
In this book it is about a little girl Named Matilda. She is a polite little girl. Her parents on the other hand are nasty old bats. They think Matilda has no skills and no respect, even though that is the opposite. One day while her Mother is at Bingo and her father is at work, she decides to go down to the village library where she meets the librarian. Her first day of school was amazing she meets Miss Honey. Matilda thinks if a calculator can work out the equation then why cant my brain do it as well. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars * * * * *
Book Week 2016
This week we had book week! You may be thinking what is book week? Well it is when we have events related to books. Here is a few of the events we have done.
Book character day is when we dress up as our favorite book character. I was a frog from the frog prince. We had all sorts of characters like: super heroes, princess, movie stars, animals and of coarse Harry Potter. Each class gets called up on to the stage then we say what we are and what book we are from. We had loads of fun.
For wacky Thursday we come to school as wacky as possible! I had wacky hair colors. Here is a list of some of the things we did to make our self's wacky: Crazy hair color, weird wigs, crazy hair styles, make up and crazy shoes. Even the teachers came wacky! It was even more wacky because we had the school Olympics that day as well. Wacky Olympics! It was real funny.
Buddy reading is when we have our buddy classes come into our hub. My buddy is Milan. Then we read our picture books to them, then they read their book to us. Some people have two buddy's but most of us have one buddy. We read as many books as possible.
This week we have been making our door display. We have chosen the BFG. So we made BFG legs and a bum. Then we got jars and made some dreams. We added food coloring and water into the jars. On the other door we had chocolate. The chocolate is from Charlie and the chocolate factory. Charlie and the chocolate factory is a movie and a book. We cut out candy and chocolate wrappers. We stuck them up on the wall in the walk way.
Monday, 15 August 2016
Reflection Week 3 Term 3- Topic and Literacy
Olympics : This week we have been studying the 2016 Rio Olympics. We have learnt about the old and new Olympics, we had to compare the new and old Olympics. We learnt about the Para Olympians. I did not like that we had to study so much. I found it hard to find a person to do. We also had to study an inspirational story I chose Nadia because she did amazing gymnastics. Here is my work.

Friday, 5 August 2016
Term 3 Week 2 reflection
Olympics - This week we have been studding the 2016 Rio Olympics. We have studded 3 athletes and country. Sorry I did not do the country ones though. I found this really hard to find a person to do. My next step is to be quicker. I think i learnt heaps about these ateletes. Here is my work.
Numeracy - This week for numeracy we have learnt how to use fractions. I learnt how to add decimals in bigger math problems. I found this hard because I was learning something new and I did not know how to do this before. My next step is to learn how to subtract decimals and fractions.
Speech- This week I did my speech it was super exciting. I think my next step would be to be more louder. Here is my speech.
Numeracy - This week for numeracy we have learnt how to use fractions. I learnt how to add decimals in bigger math problems. I found this hard because I was learning something new and I did not know how to do this before. My next step is to learn how to subtract decimals and fractions.
and reading,
Week 1 Reflection Term 3
Welcome back
Hello and welcome back to school. I hope you all had a great holiday.
This week for numeracy we have been working on Khan academy and working on fractions. We have learnt the meaning of fractions and how fractions work. I found this easy because I knew most of this all ready. My next step is to learn about the numerator and the denomination. Here is my work.
This week we have been looking at the countries in the 2016 Rio Olympics. We have listed the countries under there continents. We had to restart so we did not get much done. My nest step is to get more done. Here is my work.
This week on Tuesday we had Whaea Katie come into our brand new classroom and taught us some of our mihi. I thought this was easy because when I lived in Nelson I learnt my mihi. Sorry I dont have a image to insert.
Hello and welcome back to school. I hope you all had a great holiday.
This week for numeracy we have been working on Khan academy and working on fractions. We have learnt the meaning of fractions and how fractions work. I found this easy because I knew most of this all ready. My next step is to learn about the numerator and the denomination. Here is my work.
This week we have been looking at the countries in the 2016 Rio Olympics. We have listed the countries under there continents. We had to restart so we did not get much done. My nest step is to get more done. Here is my work.
This week on Tuesday we had Whaea Katie come into our brand new classroom and taught us some of our mihi. I thought this was easy because when I lived in Nelson I learnt my mihi. Sorry I dont have a image to insert.
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